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Testimonials Page 4
Dear Dan and Ashley,

My saddle is everything you said it would be. Great quality and workmanship. Working in Law Enforcement my partner and I are exposed to a variety of conditions and your saddle has been exceptional.

Eric Morales

Hi Dan and Ashley,
Just wanted to say thanks for all the customer service both before and after the sale of the saddle. I absolutely love it. It fits my little mule, by big barrel chested horse, and everything in between. I still want to pick up a hoof pick case, saddle bags and a set of hobbles from you when my ship comes in. It will get a good test in a couple weeks when we do our annual 50 mile pack trip. Here's a picture if you want to put it on the website.

Thanks again,

Nothing more makes a hunt more in enjoyable than a comfortable saddle. I have logged over 100 miles on my new saddle. 

  Wade Anderson
Fairview, UT
The new saddle on Surrender. Thank you Dan for a beautiful saddle. Thank you Ashley for dealing with my endless emails.

Val Gilbert
Norco, CA
Dan, my saddle fits every horse I've put it on. Here's a picture of it on my 850 pound mule. He also fits my 1100 pound mutton backed horse, and my 1200 pound well built horse.

Brandon Deckert
Pinedale, WY